Ages 0-12
1. Make an indoor scavenger hunt- Indoor-Scavenger-Hunt
2. Make salt dough Easter eggs-

3. Make greeting cards- Fold colored paper in half or in fourths, then have children draw a picture to mail to a relative or a person in an assisted living facility.
4. Make a fort- Gather blankets and pillows and see how big of a fort you can make together. Or have a challenge of boys vs girls. Eat lunch together in the fort or watch a favorite cartoon together.

Ages 13+
1. Make short videos together either singing or dancing or both (or get creative)

2. Work on a puzzle together while watching a favorite movie from your teen years
3. Try your painting skills by painting the same image or sculpting with clay and see how similar and different the final products are

4. Dust off your board games or learn a new card game- our family favorite is Pounce, similar to Solitaire but with multiple people/teams (
5. “Wake up” old gaming devices and video games that have been neglected to play as a family

6. Start a family video chat-

Michelle Lloyd
Foster Arizona Team and Adoptive Mom of young children
April Meyer
Foster Arizona Team and Mom of teens