Every movement needs another catalytic moment that propels it forward. Sometimes, that is in the form of a new conversation or reevaluating the current situation. Sometimes, this catalytic moment is 300 pastors, church and community leaders representing 87 churches coming together during the week of February 16 for the first Arizona Justice Summit, hosted and sponsored by Christian Family Care.
At Christian Family Care, we envisioned one summit in two locations, Phoenix and Tucson, where we would worship, learn, and be challenged to take the next step in caring for Arizona’s most vulnerable children in the foster care system.
We brought Jason Johnson, author, speaker and advocate, who challenged us that, no matter what size of church or what station in life, everybody can do something and it starts in the church. From those who are able and called to foster to those who provide meals, babysitting, and tangible items for Foster families and kiddos, we can empower the church to lead in this area. When we do this, we are joining God where he is working. These things were communicated from the stage and are powerful words and items for action.
What excites equally, or even more, was the connections that were made and the change that has already begun to happen. For example, we have a program called Safe Families for children. This is a preventative side of Foster care where interventions can occur before becoming part of “the system”. A pastor attended a breakout session about Safe families. That pastor shared the vision with his church. Two weeks later, children from a family in crisis are being hosted by a family in this church as they surround them with help and tangible, real support in order to avert a larger crisis. That’s the power of what Go did in the Summit. And that is just one story. As an advocate who works closely with the governor said, “This was an excellent event because each of us left knowing practical ways to serve children and families in our communities.” My prayer is that this is only the beginning.
If you would like to join this movement and host a gathering in your church to further the conversation about about Foster care, adoption and Arizona’s kids, contact me at amyers@cfcare.org.
Andy Myers
Christian Family Care
Community Engagement