When I was little I had one dream. I wanted to be a famous singer that went around the world gaining the love and adoration of everyone I met. I believed it would happen enough that I did not take a senior picture for my yearbook simply because I didn’t want people to feel like they knew me in high school…funny and super embarrassing to admit but, that is the truth. Needless to say, my name is not in lights. I am a super ordinary mom, wife, friend, worker, you get the gist.  Why am I telling you this? Because, I have come to the realization that it does not take extraordinary people to change the world. It takes ordinary people willing to act with extraordinary love.

FA_01 (3) blogThe dream for Foster Arizona started as a little seed when my husband and I decided to become foster parents. After we got our first placement it seemed like everywhere we went we were answering questions about my family and the foster care system. I found a huge lack of awarenessFJ2K15_005 (4) blog about what foster care is like as well as what it really means to get involved. I knew I could help bring real stories of foster care to life through video and, just like that, Foster Arizona was born. Three years later, we have helped the community to connect with just under 1,000 backpack drivekids through our Kid Connection Events, assisted kids in finding forever families through our Meet the Kids videos, guided families through the fostering process, and connected volunteers with opportunities throughout the community to directly impact the lives of kids in care.

In three years, I have learned so much…that the community truly does care about what happens to Arizona’s kids, that there are a lot of incredible people in the world of foster care and all around us, and that the kids in care will never cease to inspire and move us to action.

As we spend September celebrating our 3rd birthday, we hope you will join us!  We would love to hear how you have been empowered to make a difference in foster care.

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To help us celebrate we’re asking our followers to post “virtual photo booth pictures” by taking a fun selfie by yourself or in a group and uploading it to your Facebook timeline, add fun props or celebration stickers and/or text. Be sure to Tag @FosterArizona #fosterazturns3 and share how Foster Arizona has impacted you. Some posts may be chosen to be shared on our Facebook page (would have to be set as Public for this post only). (Please no pictures of children in care).

Here’s how to add stickers and/or text to a photo on Facebook:

  1. Open www.facebook.com or the Facebook app.
  2. Upload the photo that you would like to post.
  3. Hover over the photo and click  or Edit.
  4. Click then choose a sticker to add to your photo. Click and drag the sticker to rotate and resize it, or click x to delete it from the photo. To add text, click Text, click Add Text and start typing on the photo.
  5. When you’re done, click Save.

One weekly winner will be chosen to receive a $25 gift card to a local restaurant or coffee house. We look forward to many more birthdays and are grateful for your continued support.

Kim Vehon

Founder and CEO – Foster Arizona








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