My Grown Up New Year’s List

I remember the first time I heard the Christmas song “My Grown Up Christmas List” by Kelly Clarkson and I remember thinking, “wow, that’s a beautiful song.” As I sit here and reflect on 2016 and what I want for 2017, these lyrics take on a whole new realness to me.


No more lives torn apart

That wars would never start

And time would heal all hearts


Everyone would have a friend

And right would always win

And love would never end


Over 18,000 kids have spent 2016 with their lives torn apart; not to mention every family that they have come from. More than 4,000 foster families have experienced first-hand the desperate need for healing. Over 2,000 kids sit in group homes wondering if there is anyone who cares. And, unless we have our heads buried in the sand, we know that there is a fight going on for Arizona’s kids and families.

My grown up New Year’s list for 2017 and every year to come will remain this. Until we get to a place where families and children know there is help and hope available. Until we see that no child ages out of foster care alone. Until resources that allow healing to take place are readily available to all those in need. Until we can stand strong in saying we, as a society, have loved our fellow man well.

We are working hard to be the change and we hope you will join us. Here is to what 2017 will bring.

Happy New Year!


Kim Vehon

Founder/CEO Foster Arizona

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