Question: What does Foster Arizona do?

Part 2: We Connect!

One thing you will hear over and over again through all of our communications is the importance of connections. It is woven into everything we do. We educate, empower, and encourage Arizonans to positively IMPACT the lives of kids in foster care. How is the largest impact made? Through connections!

Over 2 years ago, we started offering opportunities for the community to connect with kids in care through 1 day events. Prior to launching Kid Connection Events, we found that there was a lack of opportunities for the community to make a difference and connect with kids in care without making long term volunteer commitments. We wanted to create short term volunteer opportunities that allowed for the community to not only impact the lives of kids in care but also be personally impacted by spending time with the kids. It is amazing to see how one day has been a stepping stone for larger impact. If you have not gotten a chance to experience one of our events, come join us for July 14 for our KCE School Ready event! You can sign up to volunteer here (need to put in the volunteer link! )

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