Strengthening Families through Connection

ASA Now is a non-profit organization that advocates for, supports, and assists children and families in Arizona who are or have been involved in foster care.  Their mission is to provide a community center dedicated to supporting children and families impacted by foster care. The founders of ASA Now; Anika Robinson, Susan Woodruff, and Angela Teachout understand firsthand the special needs of foster families, as they have all fostered children of their own. These ladies advocated for change in the system at a legislative level through the passing and implementing of Jacob’s Law in 2016. Children drive the purpose of the organization and are celebrated during monthly group birthday parties sponsored by community donors. For most of these kids, it’s the only party they’ve had in their honor.

ASA Now provides support to families and professionals by raising awareness, educating and empowering. Being a foster care provider can take an emotional toll on families due to the demanding needs of children, many of whom have experienced extensive trauma and other challenges. ASA Now sponsors monthly events including peer support groups, potlucks, and family activities that enable foster parents to connect with other members of the community who understand the challenges of this special calling. These events provide foster parents the opportunity to connect, provide support, and discuss ideas on addressing special needs of this population. ASA Now also provides foster parents the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate through respite care on Parents Night Out.  There are also two annual retreats, one for couples in April and one in October where “Trauma Mamas” can practice self-care and relaxation and attend helpful workshops with others who “get” the challenges. The organization also provides training, education on obtaining behavioral healthcare services via Jacob’s Law, and resources to navigate the foster care system. For more information go to or follow them through two Facebook pages; ASA Now at or through their community engagement page at

Estefana Johnson, LMSW
ASA Now Lead Volunteer

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